
Tuesday Tip: Ironing boards

    While you’re buying your iron, make sure you also buy an ironing board! Nobody wants to iron their clothes using the counter or a folded-up towel. Find an array of ironing boards here. I’m sure you’ll find something there to suit your taste and budget! 🙂

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Tuesday Tip: Irons

    While it’s true that most of your guests won’t end up using a first aid kit, a large percentage of them will need an iron at some point in their stay. Irons, like first aid kits, are something that few travelers bring with them. Yet, like first aid kits, when they’re needed there […]

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Tuesday Tip: First aid kits

    My husband says I have a special talent for hurting myself.  I’m always hitting my knees on the bottoms of tables, running into walls, and finding mysterious bruises all over my body. Yesterday I even dropped a kitchen knife on my foot! (Thankfully it landed handle-side down.)  I take some solace in the […]

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Tuesday Tip: Confront conflict

    Clear house rules are important. But it’s naive to think that your rules, no matter how detailed, will cover every possible scenario. (I never ever would have thought to create a rule about no plaster heads in the oven!) Eventually, issues are going to come up.  That’s more or less inevitable. The key […]

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