You have 30 days after your date of purchase to request a 100% money back guarantee. In order to request a refund, you must submit your request to by the 30th day after your date of purchase. We will not refund after 30 days from purchase date. After 30 days from your purchase date, all payments are non-refundable. All refunds are discretionary. dba BNB Mastery Program. Given that a participant has completed all of the Action Items within the first 30 days of the program without results, a full refund will be granted. Any deposits paid to hold your place in a program intake, where you do not enter directly into the program, are non-refundable without exception.
Here’s what you need to do to be eligible for the guarantee:
Spend at least five hours per week implementing what you learn (e.g. completing Action Items, reaching out to prospective clients, meeting with prospective clients) – There is no way around the work. You have to build a habit of taking action every week with what you learn in our courses. That’s what will make you successful. You might miss a week here and there, but if you don’t put in the work for weeks at a time, you won’t see the results and won’t be eligible for the guarantee.
Complete the first 4 weeks of the course in their entirety – When you ask for a refund, we are also going to make sure that you have completed the first 4 weeks of the course and the assignments. If you haven’t completed the course or the assignments, then you won’t be eligible for the guarantee.
Email us within the first 30 days – If, after completing the course, completing the Action Items, and putting in at least 5 hours each week implementing the lessons, you still don’t see improved results or find our course valuable, email us within the first 30 days from your enrolment date stating your reason for a requesting refund request and include proof of all completed Action Items from the first 4 weeks of the course and we will provide a full refund.
Here’s how our guarantee DOES NOT apply:
You enroll, don’t complete the first 4 weeks of the course, and email us within 30 days asking for a refund.You enroll, do none of the assignments, and email us asking for a refund. You enroll, watch some of the videos, decide it is too hard, and quit. You enroll, change you mind about the business, and decide that it’s not for you. You enroll, life gets in the way, and you decide that now is not the right time. You enroll, email us more than 30 days after your date of enrolment, and request a refund.