
Month: October 2018

Build in time for the boring stuff

Once you start managing multiple properties (or even before that point), it will become critically important to have a dependable schedule set up that you and all of your teammates can refer to and work off of. A few weeks ago, I was made acutely aware of just how important such a schedule was. Everything […]

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Tuesday Tip: Join a support group

We live in an era of unprecedented connectedness. Email, telephone, social media, the internet…there are so many ways to stay in touch with people.  We are also living in a time when services like Airbnb are exploding in popularity. People who wouldn’t have even dreamed of considering hosting on Airbnb 5 years ago are now […]

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Caring for vs. caring about

When it comes to furnishing spaces, many hosts believe that simpler is better. Fewer decorations, Ikea-style furniture, and the like. There are certainly advantages to this approach. Fewer things to dust, no sentimental items in danger of being broken or stolen. But not everyone shares this perspective. One of the bookings we made on our […]

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