The new year is here and waiting for you to dig in, so let me ask you: “Are you looking forward to taking your short-term rental from good to great?” As a seasoned property manager and educator in the short-term rental industry, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of creative strategies on maximizing success. With the […]
The tragic snowball effect of the retaliatory review

I’m in a lot of Facebook groups for hosts only. In many of them, there’s this disturbing theme I’ve noticed going around lately. Basically, it goes something like this. Something negative happens during the guest’s stay. Either an obvious issue or the guest seems to be complaining a lot, overly needy, etc. So the host […]
What you might have in common with artists

Are you being paid what you’re worth? When I was in college, I had a lot of artists in my life. They all had their own challenges, but there was one complaint that seemed like a pretty common theme – why do so many people want my services but don’t want to pay me for […]
Airbnb Adventures serves as a strong reminder of the art of service in the hospitality industry

Prior to the pandemic days, Airbnb announced the newest branch of their brand, Airbnb Adventures. Airbnb Adventures basically incorporates the idea of travel guides and travel agents into the Airbnb experience. According to the article, it “is a…collection of bucket-list-worthy, multi-day experiences hosted by local experts that take intimate groups to epic, off-the-beaten-path locations and […]
The one thing as an Airbnb co-host you need to make crystal clear

I recently had a cohosting situation that put into stark reality the importance of making the property owner’s expectations crystal clear. This can be a major co-hosting challenge, and worth it to learn early! Let me explain what happened and a few important lessons I learned from it… I got a call from the cleaner […]