Yesterday I made my primary cleaner cry. And I’m delighted about it.
No, I’m not a monster. They were tears of joy, and I was simply happy to be able to be the bearer of good news.
What did I do to cause such emotion?
I gave her a Christmas bonus for all of the hard work she’s done for me over the past year.

No, she’s not been perfect. I’ve found plenty of issues that needed to be addressed over the last year. But she is a willing learner and receptive to feedback, and that has made all the difference.
Some people expect perfection from their cleaners every…single…time. That is simply unreasonable. Those people forget that cleaners are humans, too. They are juggling family, health challenges, other responsibilities, and more – just like the rest of us. And no one – no one – is perfect.
So if you’re the type of person who will fire your cleaner after a single transgression, perhaps you need to rethink your strategy. Try talking to them respectfully about the problem, and make your expectations clear for next time.
Here are 3 tips for creating healthy and long-lasting relationships with your cleaners
- Be honest about your needs – but kind. I like to employ the sandwich method – sandwich the constructive criticism in between 2 compliments. It becomes much easier to take that way.
- Use checklists for every property. This will make it much easier to have those hard conversations mentioned in #1. Either the items on the checklist are getting done, or they aren’t. Plain and simple.
- Finally, I try to make sure my cleaner knows I appreciate her in more tangible ways – like a generous (aka above-average) Christmas bonus.
Need a good checklist? Click here to get mine!
If you’re paying someone to work for you, and you say you appreciate them, but their paycheck doesn’t reflect that, eventually they’re going to look for work elsewhere. It’s worth it to me to shell out a little more to create those long-term, lasting relationships.
At the end of the day, this is a people-centered business. And if you’re not treating your own people right, how can you expect them to do their best for your guests?
Christmas bonuses: does EVERYbody get one?
I’ve had some people ask why I don’t treat every cleaner I work with the same. Well, the short answer is that all of our relationships are different. Some have done hundreds of cleanings for me and put up with a lot of challenges. Some have done just one or two and been difficult to work with. Many fall somewhere in the middle. The bonuses I give are commensurate with the work that’s been done and the relationship that’s already been created.
Of course, it’s up to you if you want to do things differently :). But for me, I’ve worked with over a dozen cleaners this past year alone, and sadly, there was a huge range of effort and results reflected in the quality of their work.
I’ve been reading ” Start with Your People” by Brian Dixon, and this is *exactly* one of the things he talks about in that book. At the end of the day, no matter what our business, it’s vital to remember that we’re dealing with people. First and foremost.
Wonderful reminder…
I both clean and manage Air bnb’s. I so appreciate being appreciated! My regular clients usually give me a bonus of one extra cleaning- if they usually pay $100 for service they give me $200 once a year and beg me to not do anything else! Lol, toilet scrubbing and laundry- my dream career hahah. It’s nice being appreciated.