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Tuesday Tips

Tuesday Tip: TVs

I recently had a guest stay more than 6 weeks in a space without a television. I don’t watch TV very often, so for me that has never seemed like a problem.  When our guest bought his own TV within just a few days of moving in, I realized that not everyone shares that opinion.  Most […]

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Tuesday Tip: Welcome mat

It’s a simple thing, but welcome mats can really make a huge difference.  For one thing, they make guests feel more….well, welcome. It’s a homey and inviting touch that is rarely noticed when it’s there, but always missed when it isn’t.  But welcome mats also serve a practical function.  If a mat is present, guests […]

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Tuesday Tip: Microwave covers

I’ve got to be honest. I don’t particularly like cleaning of any kind. I do it, because I dislike living in squalor more, but it’s definitely not something I relish.  One of the most irksome cleaning tasks for me is the microwave.  Microwaves are pretty much universally ignored until they can’t be ignored anymore. There […]

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Tuesday Tip: Blanket chests

Last week’s Tuesday Tip was to make sure that you provide your guests with lots of blankets in their space. However, there’s a slight catch to that. Having lots of blankets isn’t as nice when they’re scattered all over the place. It tends to leave things feeling messy and disorganized, rather than homey and comforting. So […]

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Tuesday Tip: Blankets

Do you have that friend who is always cold? When you’re in shorts and a t-shirt, they’re bundled up in pants and a jacket?  Most people probably know someone like that. The fact is, we all have different internal temperatures. We’re all comfortable at different temperatures.  And then there are people like myself, who are […]

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