We all need a “backup” in our lives. I mean, even a host needs to get away sometimes.
Sometimes…especially a host!
We need the opportunity to take a wonderful, magical vacation. Eat great food, meet amazing people, see fantastic views, and more.
Or, at least, catch a little r and r, and grab the chance to chill out and unwind…
But sometimes getting away can be pretty stressful

After I had been hosting for a while, my husband and I decided to get away and take a short trip ourselves. However, I had not had time to arrange for a backup person to run point on my properties while I was gone. So every evening found me getting on the internet, checking my messages, and making sure nothing had blown up in my absence. (Not that I could have done anything about it from where we were, but I digress.)
If you want to have any flexibility in your life while managing short-term rental properties, you need to have someone you can call in case you’re unavailable. Someone you trust, who you’re confident will provide the same level of support that you do. You need a backup host!
If you don’t have anyone in your life who you feel fits that description right now, start looking for someone who does.
Go to meetups, talk to your contacts, expand your network until you have someone you can rely on. Don’t wait until you need someone to start looking – that’ll already be too late.
Even if you don’t have one yet, why not start getting together information on your space (or spaces) now? That way, you can use it to both screen potential candidates and train them. And don’t think this is a waste of time if you “only” have a property or two. It’s easier to get started when you only have one or a few, and you’ll then have a template to use as you grow!
At the very least, start a document or spreadsheet that contains the following info:
- a cleaning checklist,
- answers to FAQs on your listing,
- phone numbers for the plumber, cleaner, locksmith (if you’re not using August locks), etc, and
- links to the listing/s that is/are currently occupied while you’re away.
Sound like too much work?
I know this may seem like a lot, but trust me, when you’re away with your significant other or a group of friends, sipping a margarita and knowing that your guests back home are being well taken care of…it’ll all be worth it!
And if you need some help knowing what to put together and the most efficient way to do it, I cover how to put these documents together – along with the template I use to manage over 20 properties – in my course, the CoHost Accelorator. If you’re not up for a course right now, I get that! Check out the helpful templates I have in the Shop pick them up there…
As I always say: Happy hosting!